Minggu, 10 Juni 2012


 Here’s What RDs Must Know to Reduce Risk in Female Clients
By Lenora Dannelke
Jeanette, 38, attributed her acute onset of indigestion and nausea to the pizza and ice cream she ate for lunch. By the end of her workday, she felt fatigued and out of breath as she walked from her offi ce building to her car. By the evening, her symptoms worsened, so her husband drove her to the emergency department where doctors confi rmed she was having a heart attack. Jeanette was stunned.

“The last thing my husband and I thought was that I was having a heart attack,” she recalls. “I thought it was food poisoning.” Unfortunately, Jeanette’s experience isn’t atypical among young women today. It’s been documented that heart attacks can occur in men and women of all ages, but younger women are facing greater danger because they often lack the classic symptom: chest pain.

Startling Research
 A major study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, which recently received much media attention, found that women under the age of 55 are less likely to experience hallmark chest pain during a heart attack and, as a result, are more likely than men to die due to lack of immediate medical attention. “Women who have atypical presentations are at the greatest risk of dying after a heart attack,” says lead researcher John Canto, MD, MSPH, of the Watson Clinic and Lakeland Regional Medical Center in Florida. “Chest pain, or even pressure, is by far the most common symptom in young or old heart attack patients. However, in younger women, that pain or discomfort may

manifest in other areas, such as the jaw, neck, back, shoulder, arms, and the stomach, or they may have an unexplained shortness of breath. Other women complain of indigestion or say they just don’t feel well.” What’s surprising is that less than 20% of all patients who report chest pain are, in fact, having a heart attack, Canto explains. “The art is fi guring out who’s having a heart attack and who’s not. That’s the challenge.”

What’s unique about Canto’s study, which included more than 1 million patients, is that it accounts for age differences as well as gender differences. “It’s true that women may have a different symptom presentation—and that’s most pronounced in the younger age group—but those differences decline with each increasing age group. In the oldest age group, those gender differences go away,” he says. “The question is why do we see these differences? It’s largely unknown, though I suspect it has to do with the biology of the disease in younger women.”

Perils of Delayed Treatment
 Because the difference in symptom presentation often causes delays in seeking treatment, it makes it more diffi cult for physicians to recognize a heart attack when a younger woman arrives at the hospital. In Jeanette’s case, the emergency department physician was aware of the different heart attack symptoms in women and men and ordered the right tests to make a timely and accurate diagnosis, but that’s not always the case. “Since young women shouldn’t be having heart attacks, and if they present with atypical symptoms, they may be less aggressively treated with medications or invasive cardiac procedures that are known to improve survival,” says Canto, who further notes that “it’s an uncommon scenario for patients to have a heart attack without key cardiovascular risk factors. The big fi ve are family history, smoking, diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol.”

Minutes count in the treatment of heart attacks. “In our cardiology world, we say time is muscle,” explains Amy Ahnert, MD, of Lehigh Valley Health Network in Allentown, Pennsylvania, who notes the American Heart Association has mounted a campaign that stresses the importance of women calling 911 when there’s any suspicion of a heart attack. “The time between the development of symptoms of a heart attack and when we actually intervene and open up a blocked artery makes a huge difference in the eventual outcome and recovery. So we’re trying to spread the word about not delaying getting medical treatment.”

Adopting a Heart-Healthy Lifestyle While women may not be able to change risk factors such as family history, there are other aspects of heart disease within their control. “The three most important things a patient can do are No. 1, lifestyle; No. 2, lifestyle; and No. 3, lifestyle,” Canto says. “So that means proper nutrition, exercise, and weight management.”

Ahnert also stresses the importance of taking preventive measures. “Probably 80% to 85% of heart events and attacks could be prevented if we were on top of risk factors,” she says. “I think the growing ‘size’ of our population, if you will, plays a role. Two-thirds of women are obese or overweight. With the obesity epidemic comes other risk factors because obesity has a direct relationship to diabetes, high blood pressure, and metabolic syndrome—a prediabetes state.”

Counseling women who have risk factors about proper heart-healthy nutrition also may benefi t other family members. “The American diet at large leaves a lot to be desired: the fast foods, the fried foods, the portions. It’s really out of control, and we’re just seeing the tip of the iceberg now with statistics about the rising numbers for heart disease in young women,” Ahnert says. “There’s also a huge obesity epidemic in children. My biggest fear is what’s going to happen in 10 years when these obese adolescents come into adulthood. If you can get proper dietary and nutritional education to mothers, then they will hopefully translate that to good nutrition and healthful diets for their children. It’s never too early to think about nutrition in prevention of heart disease.”

For those patients with existing heart disease, Ahnert says dietitians can play a key role in secondary prevention. “What I often refer patients to is the DASH diet, which was developed primarily for blood pressure but has been looked at as a heart-healthy diet. In the Women’s Health Guidelines that were updated in 2011, in terms of heart disease, we’re to recommend a DASHlike diet,” she says.

Other resources recommended by Ximena Jimenez, MS, RD, LD, a consultant dietitian and national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, include the books American Heart Association Healthy Family Meals: 150 Recipes Everyone Will Love; Delicious Food for a Healthy Heart; and Cooking Light Eat Smart Guide: Healthy Heart.

For additional ideas on heart-healthy food preparation, Jimenez suggests watching cooking shows on television or taking a cooking class at a community college. “Try different cooking methods, such as roasting or broiling,” she says. “If there’s a favorite dish in a restaurant you enjoy—for instance, green beans with pine nuts—try it at home.”

— Lenora Dannelke is an independent journalist and author based in Allentown, Pennsylvania, who writes about food, health, and travel topics.


By Judith Riddle 
This month many of you will join other healthcare professionals across the country to celebrate Men’s Health Month. You’ll participate in health fairs and health education outreach activities to increase awareness of disease prevention through healthful eating and physical activity. And you’ll encourage boys and men of all ages to seek medical care and early treatment for disease and injury.

Some of the main health issues affecting men today include heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and kidney disease. According to the Men’s Health Network, the 2007 age-adjusted death rate for men of all races was 1.4 times that of women.

One type of cancer in particular that continues to receive much attention is prostate cancer, which kills twice as many black men as white men, according to the network. In fact, black men have the highest rate of prostate cancer in the world. As one who’s seen fi rsthand the ravages of prostate cancer in my own family, I can’t stress enough the importance of early screenings and preventative measures. The National Cancer

Institute estimates there will be more than 217,000 new cases of prostate cancer in the United States this year, resulting in more than 32,000 deaths. Risk factors for developing the disease include age, family history, race, and diet. Eating a diet low in fi ber and high in fat and red meat has been shown to increase prostate cancer risk. But research shows one food that may reduce the risk is tomatoes.

In our feature article “Can Tomatoes Slice Prostate Cancer Risk?” on page 20, Today’s Dietitian reviews some of the most compelling research on the link between tomatoes and lower prostate cancer risk. We discuss the carotenoids in tomatoes that have a protective effect, and we provide tips on how to incorporate more tomato products in the diet.

On page 26, we bring to you our third annual TD10 feature article that includes profi les of the top 10 nutrition professionals you helped nominate in honor of National Nutrition Month and Registered Dietitian Day. You believed these RDs were doing exceptional work in the dietetics fi eld, and we agreed. Meet these 10 extraordinary professionals and enjoy reading their profi les. And please enjoy the rest of the issue!

Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

Key Witness on Munir's Case Passes Away

Key Witness on Munir's Case Passes Away

“We will see whether Ongen’s death will affect, and close, the case for good.”

VIVAnews - A key witness in the murder case of a human rights activist, Munir, named Raymond J Latuihamalo (56) alias Ongen, passed away on Wednesday of a heart attack. One of the activists of Committee of Solidarity Action for Munir (Kasum), Usman Hamid, expected further investigation of Ongen’s death be set out.

“Is it true because of a heart attack or is there any other cause of death?  Considering his position in Munir’s case, it’s reasonable to have such a suspicion. The Police must be looking into it to the fullest,” Usman told VIVAnews on Thursday.

The news of Ongen’s death was delivered by his close relative who is also a singer, Glenn Fredly. “We have been working together with Glenn recently.  Social issue campaigns in the eastern of Indonesia, starting from music collaboration to political discussions and film screenings,” said Usman.

Glenn also broadcasted the news through a microblogging site, Twitter: “I just lost the most important person in my life, my uncle, Ongen Latuihamallo. I am deeply heartsick, dear friends..Rest in Love om Ongen..."
Usman went on to say that Ongen topped the list of witnesses on Munir’s case as he was the only one witnessing former pilot of Garuda, Pollycarpus Budihari Priyanto, with Munir during the transit in Changi Airport, Singapore, prior to Munir's death.

Pollycarpus was a convict in Munir’s murder.

“We will see whether Ongen’s death will affect, and close, the case for good,” said Usman.

Munir was poisoned aboard a Garuda Indonesia airplane en route to Amsterdam on 7 September 2004. Arsenic poison was allegedly inserted into Munir’s drink while in transit in Singapore